Gerrard considering Tottenham and Chelsea midfielder in January

The west Midlands outfit are already seeking out the viability of signing potential targets in the mid-season market and

Aston Villa boss Steven Gerrard has been told to consider astute Chelsea and Spurs signings ahead of January transfer window.

Three wins and two defeats in the Liverpool-born manager’s rein so far is not bad going for a Villa side who were in freefall under now Norwich boss Dean Smith.

Taking into account that the two losses came against Premier League title fodder in the form of Liverpool and Man City and the fact that both losses were by a one goal margin, there’s certainly reason to feel optimistic if your allegiances lie with the claret and blue side of the second city.

No wonder that the Villans already want to reward the Liverpool legend for his great work so for in the Midlands with a mini transfer kitty for the upcoming January transfer window and it seems one area in particular will be the main focus.

With Gerrard opting to play three midfielders instead of the usual two that Smith used to play when he was at the helm, Villa’s squad depth in that particular area is being tested already.

And two midfielder’s from Chelsea and Spurs have been touted as possible options for the hierarchy at Villa Park to consider ahead of potential transfer swoops for respective targets.

Aston Villa icon Ray Houghton outlined the two names to bettingexpert: “It depends what you want them for. If they want a deep lying midfielder, then you would go with Harry Winks. If you are looking for an offensive midfielder, you certainly should be looking at Ross Barkley, who knows the club, as he has been there on a loan spell.”

“I think, with Steven, what we mustn’t forget either is that he was at Rangers for a few years, so he has seen a few players up there that he might like as well. Like Glen Kamara, as an example.

“I watched Glen when he played for Finland against the Republic of Ireland, I didn’t know much about him before, and I was impressed by him. He controlled the back four, got the ball down, and was a continuity player. Kept it nice and easy. So Steven knows him. That could be a name there.”

“And then you got Joe Aribo. He’s out of contract, and he’s not going to sign a new one.


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