Christian Eriksen return in Premier League is a done deal

Reached the agreement in principle, the formalization after cardiological tests for physical fitness. He will be the first player in the Premier League to play with a defibrillator

Having reached an agreement in principle with Brentford, Christian Eriksen has begun medical examinations to verify sporting fitness after heart failure suffered in the opening match of the 2021 European Championship on 12 June last year. The final details are still to be defined, the formalization should arrive by Wednesday, the time necessary to complete the medical examinations on the physical condition of the Danish midfielder.

The attention will be focused on cardiological tests. Eriksen was implanted with a subcutaneous cardiac defibrillator (ICD), which forced him to terminate his contract with Inter as the Italian Football Federation does not provide eligibility for players in similar conditions. The Premier League, on the other hand, not only did not oppose vetoes, but also did not require the player to be examined by his doctor, contenting himself with evaluating and ascertaining the medical report, when it will be drawn up by the cardiologist chosen by Brentford.

After the termination of his contract with Inter Eriksen returned to training in Chiasso, Switzerland. There are no bans in England on this pathology, Eriksen himself will be the first footballer in the history of the Premier to play with a defibrillator. In a recent interview Eriksen stated that his heart does not represent “an obstacle” to his return to the field, hoping to return to play as soon as possible.


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